Sunday, 27 March 2016

Take the Things Seriously Please

By:      Aasef Chauhdry

It was a rough, sad and tragic day for Pakistan, when the two big cities of the country; Islamabad and Lahore were shaken. Lahore rocked with a nasty blast. More than 60 persons were been killed and over 200 others were wounded in a bloody bomb blast at Gulshan e Iqbal Park Lahore. Employees of the park said that the park was packed with people since it was Sunday and Easter holiday, together. Witnesses said there were pools of blood and scattered body parts in the park, where a large number of families, especially women and children, were enjoying their weekend. The dead and the wounded were ferried to the Jinnah Hospital, Sheikh Zayed Hospital and other nearby hospitals, while an emergency has been declared in all the hospitals of Lahore. Rescuers say the blast occurred at the central gate of the park near the motorcycle parking stand. According to the Rescue 1122 spokesman, an emergency call was received at around 6:44pm.
While this gory incident was taking place in Lahore the angry mobs were gathering at various places in Rawalpindi and silently praying for a march towards Islamabad. The LEAs sensing the protesters’ intentions had made ample arrangements to control and stop them at the outer skirts of the Capital. However, the angry and uncontrollable mob ran into Red Zone where they did hell broken destruction. As per reports they were gathered to mark the Chehlum of Mumtaz Qadri, who assassinated the then Punjab governor Salman Taseer. The stick-wielding protestors began their march from Rawalpindi and reached outside the Parliament House. The representatives of government administration had hold talks with the protestors who had reached the Red Zone with demands. The protesters assured that they would remain calm and wait for their leaders who are on their way and later present their demands to the government. Nevertheless, the angry demonstrators didn’t keep their words and set containers blocking the roads on fire outside the Parliament House where no presence of law enforcement agencies was witnessed. Eventually, the government had to call in the army troops as tension gripped Red Zone after angry protestors gathered at D-Chowk.
Apparently these were two law & order cases, happened as had been happening in past but if one goes into the details and critically observe the events then many startling facts will reveal. Like; the timings of these two incidents. Both happened almost simultaneously which can’t be by chance, especially in the backdrop of RAW agent Kulbhushun’s arrest, at Lahore picking the day when it was Easter and otherwise weekend and the park was jam packed with the visitors, mostly ladies and children, both the tragic events happened soon after the arrest of RAW agent, a serving naval officer Commander Kulbhushun Yadav.
It has left no doubt that both the happenings had our neighbour India’s infamous intelligence agency RAW’s hand in it. It is very simple that both the accidents were planned to gain two objects; to pressurize our government to release Yadav and to divert our intelligence agencies attention from his investigation and towards these two bloody events. To be very honest the government can’t disown their share of the blame because in the very first place PEMRA had played a very negative role in this all. The day Qadri was hanged; his funeral was a great gathering which history rarely witnessed. Unfortunately PEMRA issued instructions to media to totally blackout the coverage of his Janazah. It was ordered to that media which doesn’t spare the covering of even towel-tearing. Obviously it infuriated his fans and followers, irrespective of it that they were wrong or right they should of have been accommodated. No one can deny that it was a big scoop and missing or ignoring it purposely couldn’t be tolerated. Our enemy no. 1 India who is all time monitoring our national pulse found this glaring mistake  as ripe reason to achieve their goal.
Another main reason is our government’s apologetic attitude towards India, which one is fail to understand as to why we always lower ourselves in front of Indians’ illogical and senseless desires and demands? They have never found or red handed caught any Pakistani involved in any terrorist activity in India yet they always level allegations and desire that Pakistan should take severe action against those whom Indians don’t ‘Like’, whereas, in case of Pakistan, the victims of Samjhota Express are still waiting for the justice. The culprits were caught by the Indian law enforcing agencies long ago but were released on bail and we couldn’t do anything.
The time has come that the government should seriously think over implementing the national action plan which was designed and drafted after the series of epic committees ‘meetings. Only armed forces or ISI can’t handle everything. As they claim, that a democratic and elected government is in chair, at least some deliverance should be visible. The vetting of top government echelons has become must. They situation will improve only when a couple of responsible heads will roll. It’s high time for government to do away with adhocism.

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