Friday, 11 March 2016

Pakistan Knows How to Secure Its Nukes

By Sarah Khan

It was reported in leading newspapers of Pakistan that the White House, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump stated: "I think you have to stay in Afghanistan for a while, because of the fact that you are right next to Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons and we have to protect that.” Mr. Donald Trump seems ignorant about Pakistan's nuclear program's safety and security arrangement. Hence, he is making such statements.

Importantly, the anti-Pakistan nuclear program lobby, especially in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, has been frequently pronouncing detrimental judgments against the safety and security of the program in both print and electronic media. Its primary objective is to persuade the international community about the inability of the Pakistani nuclear establishment to protect its nuclear infrastructure from the transnational terrorist groups. Instead of critically examining the safety and security apparatus of country’s nuclear facilities, nuclear arsenal and nuclear related institutional arrangements for the sake of objective analysis; the anti-Pakistan lobby is merely relying on the baseless concocted stories and fictitious hypothesis.

Without realizing that a nation which develops its indigenous nuclear fuel cycle and successfully manufacture and test nuclear weapons is capable enough to secure its nuclear facilities and arsenal from terrorist groups’ attacks as well as from external powers incursions into the country’s nuclear weapons locations. Though this subjective maligning campaign has failed to cap the progressive trajectory of Pakistan’s nuclear program, yet it has fashioned negative caveats about the country’s nuclear infrastructures’ safety and security.

A nation which develops its indigenous nuclear fuel cycle and successfully manufacture and test nuclear weapons is capable enough to secure its nuclear facilities and arsenal from terrorist groups’ attacks as well as from external powers incursions into the country’s nuclear weapons locations"

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