Monday, 12 December 2016

Rumiyah II: Frustrated DAISH Turns in Communication and Tactics

(Syed Saqib Ali Shah)

The use of propaganda in conflicts is nothing revolutionary, however what differentiates contemporary extremist propaganda from previous forms is the method of communication.  DAISH has switched away from Dabiq in favor of an easier to read, less theological online magazine Rumiyah. The issue of its magazine is part of the group’s sophisticated propaganda efforts to disseminate their message around the world in as many languages as possible using the internet. With the release of Rumiyah’s second issue, it is increasingly clear that so-called DAISH’s failed propaganda efforts have strategically shifted, characterised by two key trends. First, DAISH’s propaganda machine is under immense pressure evidenced by, for example, the killing of key figures such as Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani and Wa’il Al-Fayad, the repercussions of which can be seen in lower rates of propaganda output and the prominence of rehashed material in that messaging. Second, the key themes in its propaganda have been altered in ways that reflect both its contracting campaign and the need to recalibrate its messaging in accordance with declining fortunes on the ground.
It contains detailed graphic information about carrying out terror attacks including how to choose victims, how to kill them and when and where to strike. Some of the articles about slaughtering non-believers referred to as ‘kafir’ or ‘kuffar’ are illustrated with images of beheaded men, weapons and a child with a gun. The general principles of Islam when fighting is permitted is clear as Quran states, “Allah forbids you not regarding those who have not fought against you in religion and expelled you not from your homes, that you may show favour to them and act justly towards them. Undoubtedly, the just are loved by Allah”. (Surah Al-Mumtahana: 8). There is no compulsion in religion; no doubt the virtuous path has become clearly distinct from the erring; then who so does not accept devil and believes in Allah, he grasped a very firm knot which is never to open and Allah Hears and Knows. (Surah Al-Baqara: 256)
In second issue the readers are offered a discussion on the psychological and practical problems one might run into before conducting a “just terror attack”. Promoting the knife as the weapon of choice, the reader is presented concocted religious guidance aimed at legitimizing the tactic as well as a practical discussion on pros and cons of different types of knives. Moreover, this article replaced the term “lone wolf” with “just terror operations” reflecting the importance of semantics in a propaganda war and the need for DAISH to frame such actions as inherently legitimate and morally justified as DAISH has used “just terror” before in Dabiq Issue 12. This message has further reinforced by the article “Brutality and Severity Towards the Kuffar” which inundates the reader with examples of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the Sahabah (R.A), punishing their enemies. On the contrary, in Madina the people of other faiths were protected from harm as much as the Muslims. In the Muslim society the lives of the practitioners of other religions were also given protective status.  As the Prophet (PBUH) said, “whoever kills a person who has a truce with the Muslims will never smell the fragrance of Paradise” (Saheeh Muslim). The actual teachings of Islam clearly state about infidels that if the government state gives them shelter, then they have right to enjoy the freedom and follow their religion. They are bound to pay the taxes which are alternative of zakah.
The editorial “A message from East Africa” includes instructions for followers to “hurl themselves into the midst of the battle by attacking the (disbeliever) nearest to them”. “Let them follow the example of the lions who have preceded them by striking the crusader citizens and interests wherever they are found in the West,” it reads. The report attributes jehad with the sunnah as it says sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was to march forth and wage war against the enemies of Allah. The report provoking the Muslims to kill those living in west by saying, those Muslims residing in the west have an opportunity to terrorize the Crusaders themselves. Therefore, the Prophet (PBUH) was only a Warner not and enforcer. Quran states that “Say you, the knowledge of it is with Allah, and I am only a clear Warner”. (Al-Mulk :26). If non-believers live in a country which is democratic state with specific rules and regulations then they are entitled to live their life peacefully there and no one has the right to impose anything else on them. Islam respects the followers of others religion as Quran asks just to turn away from those who reject the truth, and say “peace” to them. “And by the saying of the Messenger, O My Lord, they do not believe. Therefore overlook them and say, peace: soon they shall l know”. (Az-Zukhraf :88,89). 
To further reinforce their point, Rumiyah’s architects have DAISH’s “boom-bust” history to draw upon for inspirational examples of staying true to the cause in the face of losses. A leader of DAISH’s antecedent, Abu Hamzah Al-Muhajir’s “Paths to Victory Part 1” argues along these lines not only stating that “every Muslim must be certain that complete victory is coming” but asserts that “whoever rejects or doubts that is nothing but one of the disbelieving fear mongers.  According to the extremist approach of the report, the difference between them and the non-Muslims is that those of them who accepted Islam received much good, honor, and glory. And those of them who remained in kufr were afflicted with humiliation, subservience, and the jizyah. However, Islam is a religion of peace, in the times of Islamic glory, Muslims and non-Muslims used to live together in peace and harmony. Quran states, “Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good admonition and argue with them in a way that is best. No doubt. Your Lord knows well who has strayed from His way and He knows well those who are guided”. (An-Nahl :125). There have come to you the eye opener arguments from your Lord, then whosoever saw it, then it is for his own good and whosoever became blind, then it is for his own bad and I am not a guardian over you. (Al-An’am:104).
The Shuhada from the Gulshan Attack, is an article in which DAISH explains why the cafe in Dhaka was selected as a target. In the report it is written that after a careful survey of several potential targets, the Crusader-owned Holey Artisan Bakery restaurant was selected for this blessed operation because it was well known for being frequented by the citizens of Crusader countries and other kafir nations. Whereas, Islam respects the followers of others religion, in fact when Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) migrated to Medina, he found that there was a large Jewish community but that did not bother Him. He did not contemplate on forcing them into the Fold of Islam, instead, he made a peace truce with them and called them (Ahlul kitab), the people of the Scripture. Diversity of faith and culture is an oft-repeated theme in the Quran. Allah Almighty’s plan has granted freedom of choice to humankind, the only justification for ultimate individual accountability, so always there would be unbelievers intermixed with believers. “And if your Lord had willed, all those who are in the earth would have believed together. Will you, then force people until they become Muslims? And no soul has power to believe but by the leave of Allah. And He lays His torment upon those who have no wisdom”. (Surah Yunus :99-100).
Rumiyah’s architects have sought to deploy the strategies of meaning, credibility and behavioural change that have helped to inspire many in the West to become foreign fighters or engage in homegrown terrorism. The relentless output of propaganda by DAISH and its focus on reaching every corner of the globe with its malicious message is a critical part of the DAISH's tragic strategy. They want to delude Muslims by controlling the phony narrative of Islam and Jihad and provoking the West into a backlash against Muslims, thus driving them to look to the DAISH as protectors. By understanding what they are really saying and what they really want people will be better equipped to deconstruct their foraged narrative and ultimately defeat not just DAISH but radical approach in general.
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